Jambi– Kantor Bahasa Jambi pada tanggal 1 Juni 2018 melaksanakann upacara peringatan Hari Lahir Pancasila bertempat di halaman kantor Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan (LPMP) Jambi berjalan hikmad.
Petugas dalam acara peringatan Hari Kelahiran Pancasila 1 Juni 2018,
Pembina upacara : Drs. Yuzirizal, M.M.
Pemimpin upacara : Ichwan
Pengibar bendera : Setianto, Rosi Purwanti, dan Subowo
Pembawa acara : Sutimah
Pembaca UUD 1945 : Mhd. Zaki
Pembaca Pancasila : Wadi
Pembaca doa : Muslim
Pembina upacara Drs. Yuzirizal, M.M., Kasi Sistem Informasi mewakili kepala LPMP yang berhalangan hadir. Dalam sambutannya membacakan sambutan Presiden Republik Indonesia, beliaupun berharap kegiatan yang dilakukan tiap tahun ini tidak hanya menjadi peringatan semata, tetapi bisa memberikan arti dan manfaat yang besar bagi masyarakat, terutama dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan ahkla dan budi pekerti khususnya di Provinsi Jambi.
Upacara Hari Lahir Pancasila ditutup dengan doa dan acara ramah tamah.
June 1, the Birth of Pancasila
Jambi Language Office on 1 June 2018 held a ceremony to commemorate the Birth of Pancasila. The ceremony took place solemnly at the yard of the Quality Assurance of Education Board (LPMP).
The Officer of Ceremony Commemorating the Birth of Pancasila on 1 June 2018:
The Inspector of Ceremony : Drs. Yuzirizal, M.M.
The Commander of Ceremony : Ichwan
The Flag-Hoisting Team : Setianto, Rosi Purwanti, and Subowo
Master of Ceremony : Sutiman
The Reader of UUD 1945 : Mhd. Zaki
The Reader of Pancasila : Wadi
The Reader of Prayer : Muslim
The inspector of ceremony was Drs. Yuzirizal, M.M., as the representative of the Head of Information System Department who was unable to attend the ceremony. Drs. Yuzirizal read the speech of the president of Republic of Indonesia. He also hopes that this event will not only be a commemoration, but can give great meaning and benefit for the society, especially in improving the quality of character education in Jambi Province.
The ceremony of the Birth of Pancasila ended with prayer recitation and hospitality.
(Translator: Ilsa Dewita Putri Soraya)